TryHackMe –

HackTheBox –

TryHackMe >>

First what we do is add domain worldwap.thm to /etc/hosts

Recon >>>

nmap >>

There are standartports 22 and 80, so we can inspect http site on post 80 and /public/html/ path >>

Port 80/TCP >>

/public directory

This is available, but nothing interesting.

Next we can look on web page >>

Site look normal, there is register possible , but no login able >

But what we found is new subdomain login.worldwap.thm so we can add to /etc/hosts

And we can look on it >>

When we type it in browser, start page is blank, so we can fuzz it, maybe there is something interesting >

A there is readable app file >>

So look on it >>

Inside file we can found admin creads >>

So we can try to login as admin >>

We found login.php on subdomain login.worldwap.thm, so we can try >>

Page is available, so we can try login as admin >>

And works!! Admin login is DONE !!

Moderator access >>>

We can register user, so what we can try is steal moderator cookies. Let’s try >>

We can prepare python HTTP server >>

And payload, like this >>

And send it in register form >>

After that we can look on python HTTP server output like this >>

So we can try to edit cookie in browser and reload page http://login.worldwap.thm/profile.php

After that if everything was success we are access to moderator profile!!

So we finished this challenge, it not so hard!!

Happy hacking and see you next time!

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