TryHackMe –

HackTheBox –

TryHackMe >>

Recon >>>

Run machine, after that we can look on web-site >>

Looks standart, we can try look on response in Burp and find some mechanism to bypass it >>

After 3 tries there are mechanism to 3 captcha in row and after that we have next 3 login attempts.

Request for captcha si there >>

When we are look how is captcha send it is a picture >>

And there are 3 special captcha pictures circle square and triangle. We can find this three and get it as string to find, for easier way I get first 50 chars, if captcha fault (minimal change) doesn’t matter … 🙂

Rest of pictures are equals, we can use OCR to read ans eval() for calcul.

So we can create python script to try bypass captcha and brute forcing login, possible usernames and passwords was send to us. So le’s go >>>

Full version of script is aviable in my GitHub >>

Identify website response >>

For this parts I use basic technique in response I tryied to find some strings like >>

If is picture identify we have to try match as circle/square/triangle or use OCR >>

And create function to extract image from response and decode >>

And use other pictures we use function for OCR make using pytesseract library >>

Load dictionaries users and passwords >>

And body of script >>

And we can try to run >>

After long time we can take a flag! So DONE !! Bypassed!!

Happy hacking!!

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