TryHackMe –

HackTheBox –

Discovery >

nmap >

We can found DNS record, DNS_Domain_Name: hacksmartersec , so we can add it to /etc/hosts >>

And we can inspect port 80, 1311 if is there anything interesting >>

Port 80 / TCP >>>

Really NICE designed web page, but nothing interesting. I looked for sub-domains and dirsearch but nothing really interesting.

Port 1311 / TCP >>>

There we can found DellEMC system.

And it is version >>

After simple research we can found CVE-2020-5377 >>

And public exploit to Path Traversal reading files >>

So let’s try >>

And it WORKs !! So we can try find some creads, we try web.config file >>

Try to guess >>

OK, we can try SSH to login >>

And work!

USER Flag is DONE !!

>>>> ROOT Path >>>

So we can try to upload WinPEAS and try to enumerate >>

But AV is detected our tool !!

So we can try to enumerate by another tool >>

And there we found some possibilities like this service >>

OK, but AV is running, so we can try to use stealth reverse shell like this >>

Just prepare payload to our connection >>

And compile >>

And we can try to upload our Stealth reverse Shell >>

  • First we have to stop our service >>
  • Next go to destination and upload our rev. shell, I used curl >>
  • Than, prepare nc listener >>
  • And finally start the service >>

If everything was success, we will hit a connection back to us as

nt authority\system >>

And Yes, but shell is pretty unstable so quick to find the flag and go out !!

And we are DONE!

Hack Smarter Security was completely PWNed !!

Happy hacking!!

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