TryHackMe –

HackTheBox –

Discovery >

nmap >

We can see some standard Windows services, no website is running. We can found some domain, we need to add to /etc/hosts

So let’s start with SMB >>

And we can found Data folder, so we can find some files >>

In one file we can find example of password, so let’s try in crackmapexec >>

Let’s start with enumerate users >>

We can extract users and try password example to crack it >>

And we have a hit >>

But no connecting is possible :-/

So we can try catch pre-auth user hash >>

So we need prepare payload to SMB > We can use this python script >>

And prepare payloads >>

Now we start responder >>

An try to upload payloads to SMB /onboarding/ folder >>

After that we can get a AUTOMATE user hash >>

And we can try to crack >>

And we can try to connect >>


Administrator Path >>>

So user we have, now we would like to go to Administrator. First we can try ldapsearch, if we don’t find any password or something spice >>

But no luck, nothing interesting.

So we can try to find users in same Group >>

And yes there are some possibilities >>

Now we can try get users, groups and etc. by Bloodhound >>

And create collection by user AUTOMATE >>

We can upload to BloodHound , find our user and try to find any possibilities >>

Nothing interesting yet, but we can try obtaine hash other users in same group >>

And success >>

We have hash on user TABATHA_BRITT, let’s crack >>

And cracking was success !!

Pivoting throught AD >>

Now we need to update Bloodhound data to new user >>

After that we can found in Bloodhound this possible path >>

So our path will be >>

NOTE: Password are yours choice, we force change password for users !

And check if is everthing ok >>

And yes it is ok, so let’s actualization Bloodhound for new user and check our possibilities , and we can found this >>

So let’s try to get Administrator TGT >>

But crashed >>

We need sync time with DC >>

And after that success >>

So let’s try to get Administrator shell >>

Export cached key >>

And get the prompt >>

And DONE >>>

And we are Administrator !!

Machine was completely PWNed!!

Happy Hacking 😉 . See you next time!

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