Creds >>

TryHackMe –

HackTheBox (aka TheSysRat)

Looking around >>

So can we pwned this site?

OK, i try some basic reverse shell in powershell…

And it is running :-)… no error and reverse shell go for me.

For better comfort I upload by curl a P0ny shell 🙂 made by flozz, great tool !

So let’s find a flag probably in Desktop folder. And there is ..

But is encoded, so we can decoded (that is basic) and follow a instruction and will get a user flag!!

So we can try to escalate privileges to read Administrator flag

Basic recon >>>

Systeminfo >>

whoami /priv >>

And there is first hint and smels like a Fresh potatoes or PrintSpoofer?

We can try run winpeas and we will find that

  • a folder c:\xampp is whitelisted in Windows Defender
  • AV is active – Windows Defender
  • and some kind of potatoes will be possible

Let’s try it >> Fresh potatoes

We can us it for reading a flag file >>

Or you can try to get a reverse shell as well 😉

Happy Hacking !!

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