Today I get a sample of phishing email, targeting on czech users e-mail address hosting on .

Email looks really simple >>

First alert is email address came from >

That is one of abuse email user, I contacted him do change password.

Second alert is link to direct >>

We can found in the body of e-mail this >

Quick search in >>

Not much scans alert, but we can found this uncovered address >>

So let’s look on it. After run link in browser we can see quite similar page as original login page >

Fake login >>

Original login >

Let’s Burp it >>>

What we can do is look on request and try to find what is collect user data >

Our request >

There we can find some JSON data to send over API request to store our personal data. Website is using Weebly CMS, and there is hidden a script in e-commerce module to allow attacker collect our data (Requests before sending).

Next we can see another strange, schema id is same as a first entry in JSON data collection. >>

There is not too much interesting to find >

Hole traffic is guarded by Cloudflare, if we will enumerate server services >

So nothing interesting there.

Conclusion >>

  • Don’t click on shorted links !
  • Look for email , if is official or not !
  • Be careful before you get somewhere you login data !

Happy hacking!!

See you next time.

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