Break all security and compromise the machine.

Creds >>

TryHackMe –

HackTheBox (aka TheSysRat)


Quick nmap scan:

Web expploration

Nothing special – nothing interesting… standard web.

Dirsearch – nothing special

And NO subdomains

So, explore SMB

We will find „public“ folder, let’s look inside.

Check the file for admin.

Super, new hint, new end point “ /myrouterpanel “ , we try to check

Look’s like ping tool… hmm let’s try command injection. We will Burp it and try to bypass, probably break used filter.

Let’s test basic:

Filtering is used:

After many tryes from I try other…

CRLF (%0D%0A) Injection ( ) and %0A works!

Now we can look on filtering in file ping.php

OK, filtering works if input inclide chars (‚;‘, ‚&‘, ‚|‘). That is key to filtering.

User flag

So try to make reverse shell like:

And we are in, we have low level shell:


Linpeas . sh >>>

  • Users with shell:
  • Interesting read-writeable files

we can check how offen is runing

pspy64 >>>

After while realy we can see it, every minut is running

Pivoting to Athena user

We can write file as www-data, so let’s pivoting to athena user:

After minut, we have shell as user athena

Next we can find ssh id_rsa, we can use ssh next time!

But we need one more thing, add pub key to authorized_keys.


After login ssh we can check sudo -l priv.

OK, what is that? We can try reverse and look on it using Ghidra.

After basics analyses, we will find this in strings:

„description=LKM rootkit“


After external resources we will find on github link to Diamorphine – LKM rootki


1) – run : /usr/sbin/insmod /mnt/…/secret/venom.ko

2) – kill -64 0

But if we run kill -64 0 ssh is freezing, so probably bad number.

Let’s look to source. After finding some hint we can find function called hacked_kill() and in there is other calling to function give_root()

And there is it, if variable iVar3 == 0x39 address, run function give_root():

Let’s try it:


Happy Hacking and see you next time!!